Mathematical Definitions

Similar to the mesoscale model, $G(u)$ is initially defined as

\[G(h,k,l) = \sum_j \rho_j e^{-i (x_j h + y_j k + uz_j l)} e^{-i (ux_j (h+G_h) + uy_j (k+G_k) + uz_j (l+G_l))} \\\]

where $x_j, y_j, z_j$ are real space positions, $ux_j, uy_j, uz_j$ are diplacement vectors, and $h,k,l$ represent a distance away from some scattering vector $G_h, G_k, G_l$ in reciprocal space. However, we assume that, because the distance from the scattering vector and the displacement vectors are small, $u \cdot h$ is negligible. So we are left with

\[G(h,k,l) = \sum_j \rho_j e^{-i (x_j h + y_j k + uz_j l)} e^{-i (ux_j G_h + uy_j G_k + uz_j G_l)} \\\]

Then, we combine the entire $\rho_j e^{-i (ux_j G_h + uy_j G_k + uz_j G_l)}$ quantity as one variable and get

\[G(h,k,l) = \sum_j \psi_j e^{-i (x_j h + y_j k + uz_j l)} \\\]

In this case, this is an ordinary Fourier transform, so we put the factor of $2\pi$ back into $G(h,k,l)$ to get

\[G(h,k,l) = \sum_j \psi_j e^{-2 \pi i (x_j h + y_j k + uz_j l)} \\\]


Calculating the loss function and its derivative for the traditional model is done in two steps. First, the BcdiCore.TradState struct is created. Then, the loss function is calculated with BcdiCore.loss.

state = TradState(losstype, scale, intens, realSpace)
lossVal = loss(state, getDeriv, getLoss)

If the derivative is requested with the getDeriv variable, the result us stored in state.deriv.