Mathematical Definitions

The multiscale model is a combination of an atomic scale and a mesoscale model. In this case, $G(h,k,l)$ is defined as

\[G(h,k,l) = G_a(h,k,l) + G_m(h,k,l)\]

where $a$ signifies the atomic model and $m$ signifies the mesoscale model.


Calculating the loss function and its derivative for the mesoscale model is done in three steps. First, the BcdiCore.MultiState struct is created. Then, the atom positions are set by calling BcdiCore.setpts!. Finally, the loss function is calculated with BcdiCore.loss.

state = MultiState(lossType, scale, intens, G, h, k, l)
setpts!(state, x, y, z, mx, my, mz, rho, ux, uy, uz, getDeriv)
lossVal = loss(state, getDeriv, getLoss)

Here x, y, z are atomic positions and mx, my, mz are the real space locations of the mesoscale model.

If the derivative is requested with the getDeriv variable, the results are stored in state.xDeriv, state.yDeriv, and state.zDeriv, state.rhoDeriv, state.uxDeriv, state.uyDeriv, and state.uzDeriv.