Mathematical Definitions

For the atomic model, $G(u)$ is defined as

\[G(h,k,l) = \sum_j e^{-i (x_j (h+G_h) + y_j (k+G_k) + z_j (l+G_l))} \\\]

where $x_j, y_j, z_j$ are atom positions and $h,k,l$ represent a distance away from some scattering vector $G_h, G_k, G_l$ in reciprocal space. It is important that the $h,k,l$ value are integers and that they range from $-\frac{n}{2} \to \frac{n}{2}-1$, so both real space and reciprocal space positions must be scaled. The $x_j,y_j,z_j$ positions should be shifted to lie between $0 \to 1$ and should be multiplied by $2\pi$ to capture the missing $2 \pi$ scaling in the Fourier transform exponent.


Calculating the loss function and its derivative for the atomic model is done in three steps. First, the BcdiCore.AtomicState struct is created. Then, the atom positions are set by calling BcdiCore.setpts!. Finally, the loss function is calculated with BcdiCore.loss.

state = AtomicState(lossType, scale, intens, G, h, k, l)
setpts!(state, x, y, z, getDeriv)
lossVal = loss(state, getDeriv, getLoss)

If the derivative is requested with the getDeriv variable, the results are stored in state.xDeriv, state.yDeriv, and state.zDeriv.